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Room Directions

Doors will have plaques with names on them, except for basement rooms. Please see the instructions below.

John Morse Room
Enter through the front door.  Take the front staircase up to the second floor.  Your room will be directly to your left at the top of the stairs, next to the bathroom. Please use only the front stairs as there may be guests staying in the room next to yours (Lizzie and Emma Suite). 

Lizzie And Emma Suite 
Enter through the front door. Take the front staircase up to the second floor.  Your room will be directly in front of you. Please use only the front stairs and you may close the door that leads to the room behind your bed (The Andrew and Abby Suite) as guests may be staying in that suite.  Your bathroom is at the top of the front stairs on your immediate left and is a shared bathroom with the John Morse/Murder Suite.

Andrew and Abby Suite 
Enter through the side door. Once you get in, immediately take the stairs up to the second floor. Your room will be the very first room on your immediate right.  You have the only private suite and private bathroom, so everything is right where you need it.  You may close the door that leads to the Lizzie and Emma Suite for your privacy.  

Bridget Sullivan Room 
Enter through the side door. Once you get in, immediately take the stairs up to the second floor, and continue down the hall to the next set of stairs. Take those stairs to the 3rd floor.  Your room will be the very first room on your left. The bathroom is at the top of the stairs immediately on your left and is shared with the other suites on the 3rd floor.

Hosea Knowlton Room 
Enter through the side door, and immediately go up the stairs to your right. Make your way to the third floor. As you step onto the second floor, you will see a door immediately to your right, but this leads to an occupied room; please don’t enter, but continue down the small hallway and continue up the final flight of stairs. When you arrive at the third floor, walk down the hallway on your right (not the door in front of you), and you will see two doors at the end of the hallway. The Hosea Knowlton Room is the door on the right!

Andrew Jenning’s Room
Enter through the side door, and immediately go up the stairs to your right. Make your way to the third floor. As you step onto the second floor, you will see a door immediately to your right, but this leads to an occupied room; please don’t enter, but continue down the small hallway and continue up the final flight of stairs. When you arrive at the third floor, walk down the hallway on your right (not the door in front of you), and you will see two doors at the end of the hallway. The Andrew Jennings Room is the door the left!

Under the Hatchet (Basement)
You may only enter through the basement door at the back of the house to access your room. Once you arrive in the basement, walk straight until you encounter a barn door on your left, between two brick walls. Please do not venture into employee only areas at the end of the basement and the washer and dryer area. Your door code will work on the side door of the house to access common areas, but the only way to enter into the basement room is through the basement door in the back. The door leading to the basement stairs from inside the house will remain shut. Only those with a basement tour or who have a room in the basement are allowed in this area.

Washroom (Basement)
You may only enter through the basement door at the back of the house to access your room. Once you arrive in the basement, your room is immediately to your left. You can slide the door across to establish the final privacy wall for your room. Your bed is encased in a unit against the wall. Please do not venture into employee only areas at the end of the basement and the washer and dryer area. Your door code will work on the side door of the house to access common areas, but the only way to enter into the basement room is through the basement door in the back. The door leading to the basement stairs from inside the house will remain shut. Only those with a basement tour or who have a room in the basement are allowed in this area.